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Product Specification

Material Composition:

Synthetic grass fibers: The grass blades are typically made of polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP) materials. These fibers are durable, UV resistant, and designed to mimic the look and feel of natural grass.
Backing: The backing of synthetic grass is usually made of a combination of materials like latex, polyurethane, or polyester. It provides stability and strength to the grass blades.

Pile Height:

The pile height refers to the length of the grass fibers. It can vary depending on the intended use and appearance desired. Common pile heights range from 20 mm to 50 mm. Shorter pile heights are suitable for sports fields, while longer pile heights are more appropriate for landscaping purposes.


Density refers to the number of grass fibers per square meter. Higher density provides a fuller and more natural appearance. Density can range from around 10,000 to 20,000 fibers per square meter or more.


Synthetic grass comes in various shades of green to resemble different types of natural grass. Additionally, some products may have variations in color to create a more realistic appearance. Different shades and tones of green are often blended to achieve a natural effect.


Infill materials are used to provide stability, support, and cushioning to the synthetic grass. Common infill options include silica sand, crumb rubber, or a mixture of both. The choice of infill may vary depending on the specific application and desired performance characteristics.

Backing Drainage:

Synthetic grass should have proper drainage capabilities to prevent water accumulation on the surface. The backing is designed to allow water to drain through efficiently. It may have perforations or a porous structure to facilitate water flow.

UV Resistance:

Synthetic grass should be UV resistant to withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight without fading or deteriorating. This ensures that the grass maintains its color and appearance over time.

Fire Resistance:

Synthetic grass may have fire-resistant properties to reduce the risk of fire hazards. This can be particularly important for installations in areas prone to wildfires or in commercial settings where fire safety regulations apply.


Synthetic grass products often come with a warranty that guarantees the quality and performance of the grass. The warranty duration can vary depending on the manufacturer and specific product.

Installation Guidelines:

Synthetic grass should come with clear installation guidelines to ensure proper installation. These guidelines may include instructions for site preparation, base construction, grass installation, and maintenance procedures.

Please call 1800Mgrass or email to request product specification.

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